Research Article

DQfD-AIPT: An Intelligent Penetration Testing Framework Incorporating Expert Demonstration Data

Table 2

Host configuration information of the enterprise network.

Host IDVulnerabilityServiceOpen portValue

Windows7CVE-2021-42287, scancachehistoryRDP, HTTPS, SMTP, FTP8080, 3389, 25, 21100
TomcatCVE-2017-12615HTTP, SSH8088, 22100
Log4jCVE-2021-44228, scancredhistoryHTTPS, RDP3389, 8080100
Honeypot-1CVE-2016-10009HTTPS, MySQL, FTP, SMTP, SSH8080, 3306, 21, 25, 22, 2222āˆ’200
Honeypot-2CVE-2016-10009HTTPS, MySQL, FTP, SMTP, SSH8080, 3306, 21, 25, 22, 2222āˆ’200
DatabaseCVE-2017-4971HTTPS, MySQL, FTP3306, 8080, 21200
Weblogic-2CVE-2015-4852HTTP7001, 5556100