Clinical Study

Factors Associated with Successful Treatment by Radiofrequency Treatment of the Soft Palate in Obstructive Sleep Apnea as the First-Line Treatment

Table 2

Clinical features of obstructive sleep apnea patients who underwent radiofrequency therapy categorized by the posttreatment apnea hypopnea index (AHI).

VariablesAHI 5

Age, years52 (21–64)49 (31–64)0.155
Male gender27 (77.14%)11 (68.75%)0.281
BMI, kg/m225.60 (22.5–30)25.20 (22.50–29.00)0.503
Snoring score, before8 (2–10)8 (5–10)0.812
Snoring score, after3 (1–8)3 (1–7)0.785
ESS, before9 (1–24)11 (1–21)0.692
ESS, after5 (0–14)5.5 (0–14)0.691
AHI, before17 (7–29)8 (5–25)<0.001
AHI, after8 (5–23)2.5 (0–4)<0.001
Minimal saturation, before82 (74–87)75 (72–86)<0.001
Minimal saturation, after86 (80–95)82.50 (76–89)0.003
Pain score, after0 (0–5)0.5 (0–4)0.303

Note: data presented as median (range) or numbers (percentage).