Research Article

Physical Activity and Quality of Sleep in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease on Hemodialysis: A Preliminary Report

Table 2

Relationship between PSQI results and three days average of steps and distance. Continuous variables are presented as .

Hemodialysis patientsThree days average of

1When have you usually gone to bed?0.4630.685
2How long has it taken you to fall asleep each night?0.3270.657
3What time have you usually gotten up in the morning?0.2350.458
4How many hours of actual sleep did you get at night?0.1260.215
5Cannot get to sleep within 30 minutes0.3190.426
6Wake up in the middle of the night or early morning0.5610.326
7Have to get up to use the bathroom0.4170.815
8Cannot breathe comfortably0.1380.152
9Cough or snore loudly0.6230.421
10Feel too cold0.8910.902
11Feel too hot0.7890.657
12Have bad dreams0.0920.101
13Have pain0.1190.093
During the past month…
14…how often have you taken medicine to help you sleep?0.6370.685
15…how often have you had trouble staying awake while driving, eating meals, or engaging in social activity?0.0060.006
16…how much of a problem has it been for you to keep up enthusiasm to get things done?0.0290.030
17…how would you rate your sleep quality overall?0.4650.576

Questions 5-13 (scale: not during the past month (0), less than once a week (1), once or twice a week (2), and three or more times a week (3)); questions 14-17 (scale: very good (0), fairly good (1), fairly bad (2), and very bad (3)).