Research Article

A Hybrid Scheme Based on Pipelining and Multitasking in Mobile Application Processors for Advanced Video Coding

Algorithm 1

(a) SIMD implementation of Zigzag scanning and (b) SIMD implementation of edge extension.
// Optimized Implementation for Zig-Zag Scanning
For Input
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
  Output after Zig-Zag scannig is
  1 25 96 34 710 1314 118 1215 16
 / load quantized coefficients to MXU registers /
  S32LDD(xr1, dct, 0x0); // xr1 = 2 1
  S32LDD(xr2, dct, 0x4); // xr2 = 4 3
  S32LDD(xr3, dct, 0x8); // xr3 = 6 5
  S32LDD(xr4, dct, 0xc); // xr4 = 8 7
  S32LDD(xr5, dct, 0x10); // xr5 = 10 9
  S32LDD(xr6, dct, 0x14); // xr6 = 12 11
  S32LDD(xr7, dct, 0x18); // xr7 = 14 13
  S32LDD(xr8, dct, 0x1c); // xr8 = 16 15
 / adjust positions of coefficients according to Zig-Zag order /
  S32SFL(xr9, xr6, xr4, xr10, 3); // xr6 = 12 11xr4 = 8 7xr9 = 12 8xr10 = 11 7
  S32SFL(xr4, xr10, xr7, xr6, 3); // xr10 = 11 7xr7 = 14 13xr4 = 11 14xr6 = 7 13
  S32SFL(xr7, xr6, xr2, xr10, 3); // xr6 = 7 13xr2 = 4 3xr7 = 7 4xr10 = 13 3
  S32SFL(xr6, xr10, xr5, xr2, 3); // xr10 = 13 3xr5 = 10 9xr6 = 13 10xr2 = 3 9
  S32SFL(xr5, xr2, xr3, xr10, 3); // xr2 = 3 9xr6 = 6 5xr5 = 3 6xr10 = 9 5
 / reordered coefficients are stored to main memory from MXU registers /
  S32STD(xr1, level, 0x0); // xr1 = 2 1
  S32STD(xr10, level, 0x4); // xr10 = 9 5
  S32STD(xr5, level, 0x8); // xr5 = 3 6
  S32STD(xr7, level, 0xc); // xr7 = 7 4
  S32STD(xr6, level, 0x10); // xr6 = 13 10
  S32STD(xr4, level, 0x14); // xr4 = 11 14
  S32STD(xr9, level, 0x18); // xr9 = 12 8
  S32STD(xr8, level, 0x1c); // xr8 = 16 15
 // Optimized Implementation for top edge extension of luma component
  for (j = 0; j < (Lwidth/16); j++)
 S32LDD(xr1, ExtndDataUP_Inp, 0x0); // loading data
 S32LDD(xr2, ExtndDataUP_Inp, 0x4);
 S32LDD(xr3, ExtndDataUP_Inp, 0x8);
 S32LDD(xr4, ExtndDataUP_Inp, 0xc);
 for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
  S32STD(xr1, ExtndDataUP_Out, 0x0); // edge extension
  S32STD(xr2, ExtndDataUP_Out, 0x4);
  S32STD(xr3, ExtndDataUP_Out, 0x8);
  S32STD(xr4, ExtndDataUP_Out, 0xc);
  ExtndDataUP_Out+ = 4;
 ExtndDataUP_Inp+ = 64;