Research Article

Parallel Seed-Based Approach to Multiple Protein Structure Similarities Detection

Algorithm 2

Seed enumeration.
(1)   function enumerate_seeds(graph)
(2)   INPUT: graph, an alignment graph between atoms from two proteins
(3)   OUTPUT: seedList, a list of suitable 3-cliques (i.e. triplets of vertices that are connected
    to each other and correspond to non-degenerated triangles in both proteins)
(5)   SeedList seedList = empty_seed_list()
(6)   For each vertex1 in graph
(7)      For each vertex2 in get_successors(vertex1)
(8)         For each vertex3 in get_successors(vertex2)
(9)            If is_edge(vertex1, vertex3)
(10)             If collinearity_check(vertex1, vertex2, vertex3)
(11)                 seedList. add(vertex1, vertex2, vertex3)
(12)             End If
(13)          End If
(14)       End For
(15)    End For
(16) End For