Research Article

HSIP: A Novel Task Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Computing

Algorithm 1

Input: DAG, set of tasks , set of Processors
Output: Schedule result, makespan
(1)Starting from the exit node, compute for all tasks by using “Improved Task Priority Strategy”.
(2)Sort the tasks in scheduling list by decreasing order of value.
(3)While there are unscheduled tasks in the list do
(4) Select the first task from the list for scheduling
(5) If the task is the entry task
(6)  Use “Entry Task Duplication Selection Policy
(7) Else (task is not the entry task)
(8)   if satisfy the condition of ITS insertion-based optimizing policy
(9)    Use “ITS Insertion-based Optimizing Policy
(10)  else
(11)   for each processor in the processor set () do
(12)    Compute the earliest finish time (EFT) by (5)
(13)   end
(14)   Assign task to the processor that minimize EFT of task
(15)  End if
(16)   End if
(17)   Update list
(18) End while