Research Article

Research on Optimal Path of Data Migration among Multisupercomputer Centers

Algorithm 1

 function[result, routes] = parallel(start, results)
   count = size (results, 1);
    arrived = [start, start, 0];
    while size(arrived) ~= count
      temp = Inf;
      from = 0;
      to = 0;
      for index = 1:count
       if ismember(index, arrived(:, 2)) == 0
        for index2 = 1:size(arrived, 1)
          if results(arrived(index2, 2), index) < temp
             temp =
results(arrived(index2, 2), index);
            from = arrived (index2, 2);
            to = index;
    results(to,:) = results(to,:) + temp;
    arrived = [arrived;[from to temp]];
   result = max(arrived(:,3));
   routes = [arrived((2:count), 1), arrived((2:count), 2)];