Research Article

Inastemp: A Novel Intrinsics-as-Template Library for Portable SIMD-Vectorization

Code 15

Code extract of the particle interactions example taken from Inastemp and introduced in Section 6.3.
(1) // Scalar interaction
(2) const RealType dx = positionsX[idxTarget] − positionsX[idxSource];
(3) const RealType dy = positionsY[idxTarget] − positionsY[idxSource];
(4) const RealType dz = positionsZ[idxTarget] − positionsZ[idxSource];
(6) const RealType distance = std::sqrt(dxdx + dydy + dzdz);
(7) const RealType inv_distance = 1/distance;
(9) if(distance < cutDistance)
(10) potentials[idxTarget] += ( inv_distance physicalValues[idxSource] );
(11) potentials[idxSource] += ( inv_distance physicalValues[idxTarget] );
(13) else
(14) potentials[idxTarget] += ( inv_distance (physicalValues[idxSource]−constantIfCut) );
(15) potentials[idxSource] += ( inv_distance (physicalValues[idxTarget]−constantIfCut) );
(18) // Vectorized using advanced branch manager
(19) const VecType dx = targetX − VecType(&positionsX[idxSource]);
(20) const VecType dy = targetY − VecType(&positionsY[idxSource]);
(21) const VecType dz = targetZ − VecType(&positionsZ[idxSource]);
(23) const VecType distance = VecType(dxdx + dydy + dzdz).sqrt();
(24) const VecType inv_distance = VecOne/distance;
(26) const typename VecType::MaskType testRes = (distance < VecCutDistance);
(28) const VecType sourcesPhysicalValue = VecType(&physicalValues[idxSource]);
(30) targetPotential += inv_distance VecType::If(testRes).Then([&]()
(31) return sourcesPhysicalValue;
(32) ).Else([&]()
(33) return sourcesPhysicalValue−VecConstantIfCut;
(34) );
(35) const VecType resSource = inv_distance VecType::If(testRes).Then([&]()
(36) return targetPhysicalValue;
(37) ).Else([&]()
(38) return targetPhysicalValue−VecConstantIfCut;
(39) );
(41) const VecType currentSource = VecType(&potentials[idxSource]);
(42) (resSource+currentSource).storeInArray(&potentials[idxSource]);