Research Article

An Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm with Random Location Updating

Algorithm 1

(1)Generate SN food sources by Section 3.2.
(2)FEs = SN;
(3)While FEs ≤ MaxFEs do
(4)% Employed Bees Phase
(5)for i = 1 to SN do
(6) Generate a new candidate solution Vi according to (7);
(7) Update candidate solution Vi according to (5);
(8)if , set triali = 0, else triali = triali + 1; end
(9)FEs = FEs + 1;
(11)% Onlooker Bees Phase
(12)for ii = 1 to SN do
(13) Choose a food source form the current swarm by the roulette wheel selection mechanism;
(14) Generate a new candidate solution Vi according to (7);
(15) Update candidate solution Vi according to (5);
(16)if , set triali = 0, else triali = triali + 1; end
(17)FEs = FEs + 1;
(19)% Scout Bees Phase
(20)if triali > limit, replace Xi with a newly randomly candidate.
(21)if FEs > MaxFEs, stop and output the best solution achieved so far, otherwise, go to step 3.