Research Article

Dynamically Dimensioned Search Embedded with Piecewise Opposition-Based Learning for Global Optimization

Algorithm 1

DDS algorithm.
Inputs: Scalar neighborhood size perturbation factor , maximum number of iterations , number of variables (dimension) , upper bounds and lower bounds
Outputs: and
   Set k = 1, , ,
(2)while do
(3)   Compute the probability of perturbing the decision variables using equation (1)
(4)   for to do
(5)    Generate uniform random numbers,
(6)    if then
(7)     Set
(8)    end if
(9)   end for
(10)    Generate a standard normal random numbers,
(11)   for to do
(12)      //equation (2)
(13)   end for
(14)   for to do
(15)    if then
(16)     Set
(17)     if then
(18)      Set
(19)      end if
(20)     end if
(21)     if then
(22)      Set
(23)      if then
(24)       Set
(25)      end if
(26)     end if
(27)   end for
(28)   Evaluate
(29)   if then
(30)    Set ,
(31)   end if
(32)    Set
(33) end while