Research Article

A Cluster and Process Collaboration-Aware Method to Achieve Service Substitution in Cloud Service Processes

Algorithm 3

ServiceSubtitution (CSCP, Se).
Input: the cloud service cluster pool CSCP; the invalid cloud service Se;
 Output: the substitutive cloud service St for Se.
(1)CSR = Ø cs_e = Ø;
(2) for each Sec ∈ CSCP
(3) compute FuncSim (Sec, Se)
(4)  if (Sec↔ Se) CSR = CSR ∪{Sec};
(5) end for
(6) for each cs ∈ CSR.S
(7)  if (cs.I ∝ Se.I∧ Se.O ∝ cs.O∧cs.Q ≥ Se.Q)
(8)   cs_r = cs_r ∪{cs};
(9) End for
(10)  For each cloud service S in cs_r
(11)RecomGrade (S) = αQscore (S)+βCollSim (S, Se);
(12)End for
(13)St = {S| max (RecomGrade (S))∧S ∈ cs_r};
(14)Return (St);