Research Article

Comparing Maintainability Index, SIG Method, and SQALE for Technical Debt Identification

Figure 4

Variability of trends for each of the methods (SQALE, SIG TD, and MI): y-axis represents % of changes in the measurements between different releases (note different scales). (a) (P1) blinker, (b) (P2) colorama, (c) (P3) csvkit, (d) (P4) dateparser, (e) (P5) decorator, (f) (P6) deprecation, (g) (P7) grip, (h) (P8) isodate, (i) (P9) jmespath, (j) (P10) keyring, (k) (P11) mccabe, (l) (P12) pyasn, (m) (P13) pyflakes, (n) (P14) pythoniso3166, (o) (P15) tinycss2, (p) (P16) yamllint, (q) (P17) yapf, (r) (P18) fakeredis, (s) (P19) influxdb, and (t) (P20) pylint.