Research Article

Multiview Translation Learning for Knowledge Graph Embedding

Algorithm 1

Generating subgraph.
Input: Knowledge Graph , hyperparameters of subgraph
Output: A subgraphs set .
(1)  ⟵ Initialize empty set for subgraph
(2) while n > 0 do
(3)   //Set the maximum iterations
(4)   ⟵ Random sample a relation
(5)   ⟵ Select semantics related entities
(6)   ⟵ Generate subgraph scale hyperparameters
(7)  //Initialize empty set for selected triplets
(8)  whiledo
(10)   whiledo//Control the scale of subgraphs
(11)    ⟵ Randomly sample an entity
(12)    ⟵ Randomly select a relevant triplet from
(13)    //Add a selected triplet
(15)   end while
(16)   ⟵ All entities collected in
(18)  end while
(19)  //Add a subgraph
(21) end while