Research Article

Online Path Generation and Navigation for Swarms of UAVs

Listing 1

EPL query to determine if two drones are in a close proximity of each other.
select A.droneName as aName, A.x as aX, A.y as aY, A.z as aZ,
B.droneName as bName, B.x as bX, B.y as bY, B.z as bZ, from sec) A, : time(1 sec)
B where A.droneName!=B.droneName and A.x in [B.x − 2 : B.x+ 2]
and A.y in [B.y − 2 : B.y+ 2] and A.z in [B.z − 2 : B.z + 2]
and (A.x=B.x or A.y=B.y or A.z=B.z)