Research Article

Online Path Generation and Navigation for Swarms of UAVs

Listing 2

: EPL query to determine if a drone is in close proximity of a static obstacle.
select A.droneName as aName, A.x as aX, A.y as aY, A.z as aZ,
O.obstacleName as oName, O.x as oX, O.y as oY, O.z as oZ, from : time(1 sec) A, : time(1 hour) O
where A.x in [O.x − 1 : O.x + 1] and A.y in [O.y − 1 : O.y + 1] and A.z in
[O.z − 1 : O.z + 1] and (A.x=O.x or A.y=O.y or A.z=O.z)