Research Article

A DE-LS Metaheuristic Algorithm for Hybrid Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem considering Multiple Requirements of Customers

Algorithm 4

The proposed DE-LS.
Initialization: the population size NP, the dimension of the solution D, the lower-bound of the solution , the upper-bound of the solution , the empty initial solution , and , maximum number of iterations , , , and are the pre-defined parameters.
(1)Apply the initialization process to get the initial solution and the objective value
(2)Find the current best solution and
(3)While then
(4) For position then
(7)  For position then
(8)   The processes of mutation
(9)   If or then
(10)    Generate
(11)    If is updated then
(13)    Else
(14)     If then
(16)     Else
(18)     End if
(19)    End if
(20)   Else
(22)   End if
(23)  End for
(24)  Using correction strategy
(25)  Get the objective value
(26)  If then
(28)  Else
(29)   Apply the proposed local search which can be found in Algorithm 3 to update the solution
(30)  End if
(31) End for
(32) Search the new best solution and update the solution and
(34)End while