Research Article

Trusted and Efficient Cross-Domain Access Control System Based on Blockchain

Algorithm 7

(1)Input: request, Uid, sig
(2)output: string
(3)% invoke by DMS to make an access control.
(4)% sig = 
(5)% request=00|| || devID || op, op is an access control order.
(6)if verify (uID, sig) = true then
(7)role = getURole (uID)
(8)if role = = ‘9000’ then
(9) {
(10) recordAudit (request, ‘9000’);
(11) return ‘9000’;
(12) }
(13) DMS_ID_sou = find_DMS_ID (uID) % find DMS’s ID whose DMS_ID_sou.DO = = uID.DO
(14) DMS_ID_des = find_DMS_ID (devID) % find DMS’s ID whose DMS_ID_des.DO = = devID.DO
(15) role’ = mapRole (role, DMS_ID_sou||DMS_ID_des);
(16) if role’ = = ‘9001’ then
(17) {
(18) recordAudit (request, ‘9001’);
(19) return ‘9001’;
(20) }
(21) policy = getPolicy (devID)
(22)if policy = = ‘9002’ then
(23) {
(24) recordAudit (request, ‘9002’)
(25) return ‘9002’;
(26) }
(27) if ((role, devID, op) policy) then
(28) recordAudit (request, permit);
(29) addAHL (uID||devID||op);
(30) return permit;
(31) else
(32)  recordAudit (request, ‘9003’);
(33)  return ‘9003’;
(35) return ‘sign_error’;