Research Article

A Pattern-Based Software Testing Framework for Exploitability Evaluation of Metadata Corruption Vulnerabilities

Table 2

Numerical relationship between memory objects.

Object relationRelation predicateDescription

EqualEQ(o1, o2/)o1 equals o2/numeral
UnequalNE(o1, o2/)o1 unequals o2/numeral
GreaterGT(o1, o2/)o1 is greater than o2/numeral
Greater or equalGE(o1, o2/)o1 is greater than or equal to o2/numeral
LessLT(o1, o2/)o1 is less than o2/numeral
Less or equalLE(o1, o2/)o1 is less than or equal to o2/numeral
Meet sizeSZ(c, L)The size of the chunk c lets the requirements of the free list L into the chain