Research Article

[Retracted] Application of Intelligent Sensor Algorithm in Student Management Information Fusion

Table 2

Student basic information table.

Field nameType of dataAnnotation

Stu_IDIntStudent ID
Stu_NumVarcharStudent ID
Card_NumVarcharStudent card number
Class_IDIntClass number
Stu_NameVarcharStudent name
Stu_SexVarcharStudent gender
Stu_RemVarcharStudent rewards and punishments information
Stu_AdrVarcharStudent’s home address
Stu_HKLXVarcharStudent account type
Stu_XSGZLogicWhether the student enjoys the national bursary
Stu_XSDBLogicWhether the student enjoys the urban subsistence allowance
Stu_ZzmmVarcharStudent political outlook
Stu_SfcVarcharStudent ID number
Stu_CsnyDateStudent’s date of birth
Stu_TelVarcharStudent phone
Stu_FqtelVarcharStudent father phone
Stu_MqtelVarcharStudent mother phone
SS_IDIntDormitory number