Research Article

AGV Scheduling Optimization for Medical Waste Sorting System

Algorithm 4

Heuristic algorithm.
Input: // : set of medical waste.: set of presorting stations;
: set to 1 if medical waste p has been transported, and to zero otherwise.
: time to enter the presorting table for medical waste . : indicates the number of AGVs serving presorting station , set the initial value to 1.
: denotes the finish time of AGV transporting medical waste , set initially.
(2)  For
(3)   Select a medical waste with minimize in ;
(4)  If ()
(5)   Update ;
(6)   ;
(7)  End if
(8)  If ()
(9)  ; Update ;
(10)  ;
(11)  End If
(12)End For
(13)End For
Output: and