Research Article

The Influence of Trust on Crowd Logistics Enterprise’s Operational Performance: A SEM-PLS Model

Table 1

Observation items for each latent variable.

Latent variablesObservation itemsReferences

Goodwill trust (GT)H1a-a1: I believe that when the market changes, the crowd worker will not be inclined to transfer costs to the enterpriseLevin and Cross [66]; Ganesan [67]
H1a-b1: I believe that the crowd worker pays close attention to the needs of the enterprise and sincerely cares about the success of the enterprise
H1a-c1: I believe that the crowd worker has sacrificed for the enterprise in the past

Ability trust (AT)H1b-a2: I believe that the crowd worker has strong working skills, and working with them can enhance the enterprise’s operational performanceMcallister [14]; Anderson and Narus [68]
H1b-b2: I think most of the crowd workers are reliable in terms of their business capability
H1b-c2: In my opinion, the crowd worker meets the task requirements of the enterprise and can complete the delivery task with high quality

Logistics synergy (LS)H2-a3: Our enterprise keeps regular feedback and communication with the crowd workerSinkovic and Roath [69]; Story et al. [70]
H2-b3:I think when the customer demand change, the enterprise and the crowd worker can negotiate to develop a flexible workflow
H2-c3: To my way of thing, the enterprise and the crowd worker can share crowd logistics information in a timely manner

Crowd logistics enterprises’ operational performance (CLEOP)H-a: In my opinion, crowd logistics enterprises can provide excellent customer service qualityZhao et al. [71]
H-b: I think crowd logistics enterprises can respond to customer needs in a timely manner
H-c: I think the delivery speed of crowd logistics enterprises is fast, and the delivery reliability is strong