Research Article

Sustainable Development Based on Green GDP Accounting and Cloud Computing: A Case Study of Zhejiang Province

Table 1

Accounting methods of GGDP.

Account typeIndexCalculation methods

Natural resource depletion costCultivated land depletion valueCultivated land depletion value = cultivated land consumption × unit price
Forest resource depletion valueForest resource depletion value = forest land consumption × unit price
Water resource depletion valueWater resource depletion value = total water use × unit volume consumers willing to pay the price
Energy consumption valueEnergy consumption value = total energy consumption × unit energy price
Mineral resource depletion valueMineral resource depletion value = mineral resource consumption reduction × unit mineral price

Environmental quality degradation costAir pollutionSO2 governance costs = SO2 emissions × unit SO2 management fee
Smoke dust treatment cost = smoke dust emissions × unit smoke dust treatment costs
Water pollutionIndustrial wastewater treatment cost = industrial wastewater discharge × unit industrial wastewater treatment costs
Domestic wastewater treatment cost = domestic wastewater discharge × unit domestic wastewater treatment costs
Solid waste pollutionIndustrial solid waste treatment costs = industrial solid waste × unit solid waste treatment costs
Domestic waste treatment cost = amount of domestic garbage × unit management cost
Natural disaster lossDirect economic losses caused by natural disasters (geological disasters and forest fires)

Resource and environment improvement benefitsGarden green space benefitsCarbon fixation and oxygen release efficiency = green area × (328.5 × 40.94 × average dollar exchange rate for the year + 12 × 400) [27]
Absorbing SO2 economic benefits = green area × 0.296 × 600 [27]
Regulating climate economic benefits = green area × 0.9 × 24 × 189 × 0.7 [33]