Research Article

The Future Development Direction of Cloud-Associated Edge-Computing Security in the Era of 5G as Edge Intelligence

Table 2

Research hotspots in each level of edge-computing security.

Fields of studyHotspots for research

Controlling accessEngineering plans for the ICN network(i) As a result of terminal hardware personality validation, plans have been made.
Network engineering plans that are not part of the ICN(ii) Plans in light of content encryption during transmission
(iii) Plans for access control in light of the trust component
(iv) Given edge registering, IoT security structure

Management personnel(i) Streamlining of traditional security procedures for communication
(ii) New engineering is a key part of the administration’s ambitions.

Protection of security threats(i) Plans for ensuring the security of the client’s region
(ii) Personality and interest data of clients are kept safe.
(iii) Edge data mining security solution

Mitigation of assault(i) DDoS protection for the internet of things
(ii) Plans that include all aspects of assault moderation

Detection of inconsistencies(i) Edge cloud collaboration inconsistency detection and prediction schemes
(ii) Going after research for inconsistency detection is hostile.