Research Article

Concept Tree-Based Event Matching Algorithm in Publish/Subscribe Systems

Algorithm 6

Event matching algorithm.
(1) initial a BitSet sid with a length of subscription number, and set all its elements to be 1
(2) for each pair <attribute, value> of e{
(3)  name = root(attribute);
(4)  ptree = m1.get(name);
(5)  if ptree is not null{
(6)   sid = treeMatch(ptree, attribute, sid);
(7)  }
(8)  switch(domain(attribute)){
(9)  case xsd:string:
(10)   sid = stringMatch(name, value, sid);
(11)   break;
(12)  case xsd:decimal:
(13)   sid = gemMatch(name, value, sid);
(14)   break;
(15)  default:
(16)   vtree = m2.get(name);
(17)   if vtree is not null{
(18)    sid = treeMatch(vtree, value, sid);
(19)   }
(20)  }
(21) }
(22) return sid;