Research Article

Deviation Detection in Clinical Pathways Based on Business Alignment

Algorithm 3

Optimal alignment algorithm based on algorithm.
Input: reachable graph TS of synchronous composition model N3;
Output: optimal alignment γ.
(1) //initialize a priority queue by (total cost value of mi to mf) + (total estimated value of the current node to the target node) in ascending order
(2)pqueue.create ();
(3)visitedNodesSet = Ø;
(4)pqueue.push (TS.initialmarking);
(5)while pqueue.size ()! = 0 do
(6)  currenrNode = pqueue.poll ();
(7)  if currenrNode == targetNode then
(8)  //recursively search the predecessor node of currenrNode to get optimal alignment
(9)  γ=getOptAlignment (currenrNode);
(10)  return γ;
(11)  else
(12)   //visit all successorNodes of currentNode
(13)   for all successorNode ∈ currentNode.getSuccessors() do
(14)    //calculate the new total cost value of successorNode
(15)    newcost = successorNode.calNewCost (currentNode);
(16)    if successorNode ∈ visitedNodesSet then
(17)     //for the visited node, if the new total cost value is smaller, update the total cost value of successorNode
(18)     if successorNode.getTotalCost() > newcost then
(19)      successorNode .setTotalCost (newcost);
(20)      pqueue.push (successorNode);
(21)     end
(22)    Else
(23)     visitedNodesSet = visitedNodesSet ∪ {successorNode};
(24)     successorNode.setTotalCost (newcost);
(25)     pqueue.push (successorNode);
(26)    end
(27)   end
(28)  end