Research Article

Secure Smart Healthcare Monitoring in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Ecosystem with Cosine Function Hybrid Chaotic Map Encryption

Table 2

Algorithm 1, encryption process through bitwise XOR.

Input: size of keyframe image (M×N) per initial state
Output: encrypted cipher keyframe C
(1) Read size (M×N) RGB keyframe image
(2) Resizing keyframe images
(3) Generation of random number for getting key
(4) Generating secret key by calling function
(5) Generating STC sequence by calling function
(6) Reshaping keyframe images with STC
(7) Splitting RGB keyframe image in each 3 channels IR, IG, and IB
(8) Bitwise XOR operation is performed in every channel
(9) Performing highly efficient scrambling algorithm obtained keyframe channel from step 9
(10) Merging every scrambled keyframe channel
(11) Encrypting cipher keyframe images C