Research Article

Secure Smart Healthcare Monitoring in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Ecosystem with Cosine Function Hybrid Chaotic Map Encryption

Table 3

Algorithm 2, highly efficient scrambling.

Input: keyframe (IR, IG, IB) channels size M × N, STC sequences, state
Output: cipher scrambled keyframe channels
(1) Obtain block size H = min {[M1/2], [N1/2]} of color channels separately (operated keyframe of bitwise XOR)
(2) Producing four STC sequences such as O, P, Q, and R
(3) Sorting each four STC sequences such as sort (O), sort (P), sort (Q), and sort (R) and obtaining their corresponding indexes
(4) Two matrixes S and T are initialized with the square of block size H2 × H2
(5) Starting loop, for j = 1: H2 (H2 square of the block size within M × N)
(6) Starting loop, for i = 1: H2
(8) , Si, j = IOa, ti, j = IQb
(9) end of the for loop
(10) end of the for loop
(11) If en = = state
(12) Starting loop, for i = 1: H2
(13) Starting loop, for j = 1: H2
(14) m = Si, j; n = Tm, j;
(15) ; ;
(16) ; ;
(17) x = cH + c2 y = bH + b2
(18) Scramble channel (x, y) = operated keyframe of bitwise XOR channel (i, j)
(19) end of the for loop
(20) end of the for loop