Research Article

Enhancing Security of Mobile Cloud Computing by Trust- and Role-Based Access Control

Algorithm 1

User Behaviour.
Step 1: the organization sets the trust threshold value, i.e., , and the initial weights are , , , and .
Step 2: initially, all the users are assigned with trust equal to one. That is, all the users are completely trustworthy.
Step 3: compute each user’s overall trust value OTV. .
Step 4: compute the usability of each parameter to assign priority.
Update the weight values as .
Step 5: compute the average trust value (ATV) by using an exponential weighted moving average method with previous trust and current computed trust.
Step 6: compare the ATV of each user with the threshold value, i.e., .
Step 7: if then the malicious user or reputed user.
Step 8: return a malicious or a reputed user.