Research Article

Ensemble Convolution Neural Network for Robust Video Emotion Recognition Using Deep Semantics

Algorithm 4

Ensemble classification.
Data: Training Set
BC: Number of base classifiers
SR: Ratio of samples that need replacement
 : Parameter used to reduce the distance between training and synthetic data
 : ith attribute
 : standard deviation
r: normal distribution’s sampling value N(0, 1)
Training Phase:
For a = 1: BC
 Copy the original dataset i.e. Data
 Identify the number of training samples that need replacement, i.e.,
 For b = 1: TS
  Randomly pick “z” samples from
   If x is a majority class sample, then
    Generate a neighborhood of z based on and replace z exists in
   Else if
   Check z is a minority sample, then compute m = Round
   Replace m neighbourhoods of z in
  End For
  Build base classifier from
End For
Classification Phase:
For a given z
 evaluate ensemble to classify the sample z based on the majority voting strategy