Clinical Study

Residual Prolapse in Patients with III-IV Degree Haemorrhoids Undergoing Stapled Haemorrhoidopexy with CPH34 HV: Results of an Italian Multicentric Clinical Study

Table 3

Specimen measures stratified by type of prolapsectomy (traditional Longo’s procedure or “Parachute” Technique) and extent of rectal prolapsed.

Mean (SD)Range

Total patients ()
 Length, mm82.8 (11.3)
 Height, mm37.5 (4.3)
 Volume, mL12.7 (2.1)
Stapled Anopexy ()
 Length, mm82.5 (11.3)
 Height, mm37.4 (4.3)
 Volume, mL12.4 (2.1)
“Parachute” Technique ()
 Length, mm85.6 (5.2)
 Height, mm38.7 (2.3)
 Volume, mL15.1 (1.8)
Prolapse more than half of CAD ()
 Length, mm85.0 (5.6)
 Height, mm38.4 (3.9)
 Volume, mL13.8 (1.5)
Prolapse less than half of CAD ()
 Length, mm75.0 (16.3)
 Height, mm34.7 (4.3)
 Volume, mL8.9 (0.7)

SD: Standard Deviation.