Clinical Study

Negative Pressure Incision Management System in the Prevention of Groin Wound Infection in Vascular Surgery Patients

Table 2

Patient characteristics.


Number of patients5040
 Male134 (68.0%)30 (75.0%).4933
 Female116 (32.0%)10 (25.0%).4933
Age271.5 ± 11.068.1 ± 8.6.0704
BMI225.9 ± 5.827.4 ± 5.2.1304
Smoking118 (36.0%)23 (57.5%).0563
Diabetes mellitus115 (30.0%)16 (40.0%).3753
Renal disorder122 (44%)20 (50%).6723
End-stage renal disease12 (4.0%)4 (10%).4003
Colonisation of preexisting wounds114 (28%)10 (25%).8143
Preexisting multiresistant colonies23 (6.0%)1 (2.5%).6263
ASA classification1
 II19 (38.0%)14 (35.0%)
 III31 (62.0%)25 (62.5%)
 IV01 (2.5%)
Rutherford scale1
 I11 (22.0%)7 (17.5%).8683
 II2 (4.0%)1 (2.5%)
 III7 (14.0%)10 (25.0%)
 IV9 (18.0%)7 (17.5%)
 V17 (34.0%)12 (30.0%)
 VI4 (8.0%)3 (7.5%)

BMI: body mass index.
ASA classification: American Society of Anaesthesiologists’ classification of physical health.
Data presented as either number (percentage) or mean ± standard deviation.
value using Fisher’s Exact Test.
value using independent samples -test.