Clinical Study

A Prospective Observational Cohort Study on Orthopaedic and Anaesthetic Registrars Performing Femoral Nerve Block on Patients with an Acute Hip Fracture

Table 1

Characteristics of the patients and main outcomes.

AR group ()OR group ()

Age (years)182 ()83 (9)
 Female57 (81%)96 (71%)
 Male13 (19%)39 (29%)
Weight (kg)263 (13)66 (13)
ASA classification2
 1-219 (27%)43 (32%)
 3-451 (73%)92 (68%)
Cognitive dysfunction2
 No47 (67%)85 (63%)
 Yes23 (33%)50 (37%)
Type of fracture2
 Femoral neck 35 (50%)61 (45%)
 Trochanteric 31 (44%)63 (47%)
 Subtrochanteric 4 (6%)11 (8%)
Total morphine consumption (mg)111.7 (8.8)13.6 (8.5)
Adverse events2
 No50 (71%)105 (78%)
 Yes20 (29%)30 (22%)
Time from arrival to FNB (h)15.3 (3.0)3.0 (1.9)
Morphine consumption before FNB (mg)19.0 (7.9)9.5 (6.5)
Morphine consumption after FNB (mg)12.7 (3.9)4.1 (5.0)

Mean (SD)