Clinical Study

Laparoscopic versus Open Omental Patch Repair for Early Presentation of Perforated Peptic Ulcer: Matched Retrospective Cohort Study

Table 1

Patient demographics.

Characteristics Open ()Laparoscopic ()

Median age (range) 50 (17–92)47 (20–86)0.57
Men (%)97 (89.8%)35 (87.5%)0.92
Smoker, n (%)53 (49.1%)13 (32.5%)0.07
Alcohol user, n (%)14 (13.0%)7 (17.5%)0.48
Admission within 24 hrs after symptoms onset, n (%)90 (83.3%)38 (95.0%)0.07
Preoperative lab value
 WBC (k/μL), n (%)0.87
  <4 OR >1261 (56.5%)22 (55.0%)
  4–1247 (43.5%)18 (45.0%)
 Creatinine (μmol/L), n (%)0.30
  <13098 (90.7%)39 (97.5%)
  13010 (9.3%)1 (2.5%)
 Hematocrit (%), n (%)0.79
  <4238 (35.2%)15 (37.5%)
  4270 (64.8%)25 (62.5%)
 INR, n (%)0.63
  1.37 (6.5%)1 (2.5%)
  <1.394 (87.0%)36 (90.0%)
  Not done7 (6.5%)3 (7.5%)
 ASA class, n (%)0.33
  123 (21.3%)13 (32.5%)
  252 (48.1%)18 (45%)
  333 (30.5%)9 (22.5%)
 Mannheim peritonitis index (range)8 (2–34)16 (2–26)<0.01
 Mannheim peritonitis index, n (%)0.04
  ⩽2094 (87.0%)28 (70.0%)
  21–2910 (9.2%)12 (30.0%)
  >294 (3.7%)0 (0%)
 Shock, n (%)17 (15.7%)6 (15.0%)0.91
 SIRS, n (%)19 (17.6%)4 (10.0%)0.26
 Median size of perforation (mm), range5.0 (2.0–15.0)5.0 (0.8–15.0)0.10
 Site involved, n (%)0.38
  Duodenal88 (81.5%)35 (87.5%)
  Gastric20 (18.5%)5 (12.5%)
 Median operation duration (min), range75 (35–175)104 (65–145)<0.01

ASA: American Society of Anaesthesiologists. NA: not applicable. WBC: white blood count. SIRS: systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
#Shock defined as systolic blood pressure of less than 100 mmHg or heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute.
SIRS defined as 2 or more of the following variables: (1) fever of more than 38°C (100.4°F) or less than 36°C (96.8°F); (2) heart rate of more than 90 beats per minute; (3) respiratory rate of more than 20 breaths per minute or arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2) of less than 32 mmHg; (4) abnormal white blood cell count (>12,000/µL or <4,000/µL or >10% immature forms).