Research Article

Physiotherapy Practice Patterns for Management of Patients Undergoing Thoracic Surgeries in India: A Survey

Table 2

Preoperative assessment for thoracic surgery patients.

S. numberTechniquesAlways or frequently, (%)Sometimes, (%)Seldom or never, (%)

(1)Measurement impairments
 (a) Physical examination218 (93.1)12 (5.2)1 (0.4)
 (b) Chest expansion217 (92.7)13 (5.6)2 (0.9)
 (c) ABG analysis183 (78.2)37 (16.2)7 (3.1)
 (d) Pulmonary function test175 (74.1)45 (19.6)10 (4.3)
 (e) Chest X-ray215 (93.5)13 (5.7)2 (0.9)
 (f) SpO2 (oxygen saturation)211 (90.1)16 (6.9)4 (1.7)
 (g) Peripheral muscle strength175 (74.7)50 (21.6)7 (3.0)
 (h) Cardiopulmonary exercise test159 (67.9)55 (23.8)17 (7.3)
 (i) 6 min walk test, 12 min walk test138 (60.0)79 (34.3)13 (5.7)

(2)Measure of function
 (j) Barthel index157 (70.4)38 (17.0)28 (12.5)
 (k) Functional independence measure164 (72.3)41 (18.1)22 (9.7)