Research Article

Vacuum-Assisted Abdominal Closure Is Safe and Effective: A Cohort Study in 74 Consecutive Patients

Table 1

Patient background data and data regarding VAC treatments. Unless otherwise stated, the results are given as median (range) or number (%).

AllSecondary peritonitisAbdominal compartment syndrome (ACS)Fascia dehiscencePlanned second lookTraumaOthers

Age (years)64.4 (9–89)63 (9–85)71 (23–80)69 (53–85)63 (54–89)28 (20–60)61.5 (58–65)
Sex, men47 (64%)19 (65,52%)12 (70,59%)5 (45,45%)6 (60%)5 (100%)0 (0%)
BMI25.2 (16.90–41.81)24.94 (16.90–34.97)24.01 (19.38–32.10)25.6 (21.56–39.00)25.94 (20.90–41.81)27.62 (19.98–30.25)24.3 (17.68–30.92)
Duration of VAC (days)4.5 (0–39)4 (2–18)5 (3–13)6 (2–39)2 (1–10)6 (0–10)3 (2–4)
VAC-changes1 (0–16)1 (0–7)1 (0–6)1 (0–16)0 (0–3)1 (0–4)0,5 (0-1)
Intensive care unit52 (70%)21 (72.41%)14 (82.35%)3 (27.27)8 (80%)5 (100%)1 (50%)
Largest laparotomy area measured (cm2)143.5 (27–473)203 (57–500)140 (87–350)116 (27–496)121.5 (43–326)263.5 (126–406)173 (106–240)
Largest fluid output per day (ml)1000 (0–11000)1000 (0–3200)1125 (500–11000)900 (500–2300)1000 (700–1900)800 (500–4000)500 (500-500)
Treatment success59 (84%)23 (82.14%)11 (78.57%)10 (90.91%)10 (100%)5 (100%)0 (0%)
Died prior to closure4 (5%)1 (3.45%)3 (17.65%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Died within 3 months11 (15%)3 (10.34%)6 (35.29%)1 (9.09%)1 (10%)0 (0%)0 (0%)