Research Article

Salvaging Digital Replantation and Revascularisation: Efficiency of Heparin Solution Subcutaneous Injection

Table 1

Patient’s data: age, sex, mode if injury, digit affected, level, and comorbidities.

AgeSexModeDigitTamai ZoneAssociated morbidity

Patient 124MKnife LacerationLeft Index, IncompleteIHaemorrhoids

Patient 235MKnife lacerationLeft little, completeIIHaemorrhoids

Patient 326FCircular sawRight Ring, IncompleteIIHaemorrhoids

Patient 419MBlenderLeft Index, completeIIHaemorrhoids

Patient 562FKnife lacerationLeft Middle, IncompleteIHaemorrhoids, Gastric ulcer

Patient 651FCircular sawRight Index, completeIIGastric ulcer

Patient 735MCircular sawLeft little, CompleteIGastric ulcer

Patient 842FKnife lacerationRight Index, IncompleteIIGastric ulcer

Patient 928FBlenderLeft Index, IncompleteIIHaemorrhoids

Patient 1052MCircular sawRight thumb, IncompleteIGastric ulcer

Patient 1150MBlenderRight Ring, IncompleteIIHaemorrhoids, Gastric ulcer

Patient 1236MCircular sawLeft Index, IncompleteIIGastric ulcer

Patient 1349MKnife lacerationLeft Thumb, IncompleteIIGastric ulcer