Research Article

Increased Rate of Incidental Colorectal Malignant Polyps: A Single-Center Experience

Table 3

Chronologically listed results of studies reporting the rate of residual adenocarcinoma at the polypectomy site and lymph node metastasis after surgical resection following endoscopically resected colorectal incidental malignant polyps.

ArticleYearPatients per year, Number of surgically resected patients, Residual adenocarcinoma at the polypectomy site, % (95% CI)Lymph node metastasis, % (95% CI)Either residual cancer or lymph node metastasis, % (95% CI)

Choi et al. [8]20081681116814% (8.8–19.3)n.a.n.a.
Boenicke et al. [9]20091057652% (0–5.4)11% (3.4–18.6)n.a.
Butte et al. [10]201114381437% (2.8–11.2)10% (5.1–15.0)n.a.
Benizri et al. [11]2012646643% (0–7.2)8% (1.4–14.7)n.a.
Naqvi et al. [12]20126561258% (30.1–86.0)17% (0–38.3)n.a.
Steigen et al. [13]20137461932% (11.0–53.0)5% (0–14.9)n.a.
Gonçalves et al. [14]20134083123% (8.2–37.9)32% (15.6–48.4)48% (30.4–65.6)
Jung et al. [15]201550125018% (7.4–28.7)10% (1.7–18.3)18% (7.6–28.7)
Levic et al. [16]201550102322% (5.1–39.0)22% (5.1–39.0)30% (11.3–48.8)
Current study201663312710% (0–20.5)11% (0–22.3)19% (4.2–33.9)

Studies with less than 25 patients undergoing additional major surgical resection; 95% CI: 95% confidence interval; n.a.: not available.