Review Article

Modes of Neuronal Calcium Entry and Homeostasis following Cerebral Ischemia

Figure 1

Modes of calcium entry and exit into neurons following cerebral ischemia. Modes of calcium entry (top of cell diagram) are VDCCs (voltage-dependent calcium channel), glutamate receptors (NMDA, AMPA, KA, and mGluR), SOCE (store-operated intracellular calcium entry), TRP (transient receptor potential channels), ASIC (acid-sensing ion channels), IEIC (inward excitotoxic injury current calcium-permeable channels), and NCX (sodium-calcium exchanger operating in entry mode). Calcium can also be sequestered intracellularly (middle of cell diagram) by the mitochondria and ER (endoplasmic reticulum). Modes of calcium exit (bottom of cell diagram) are PCMA (Calcium ATPase pump) and NCX (sodium-calcium exchanger operating in exit mode).