Clinical Study

Previous Leisure-Time Physical Activity Dose Dependently Decreases Ischemic Stroke Severity

Table 2

Main characteristics associated to previous leisure-time physical activity according to age.

Previous physical activity
Yes ( )No ( )ORCI 95%P

Age < 60 yearsn = 71n = 51
Alcohol abuse7 (9.9%)15 (29.4%)0.260.10–0.710.006
Arterial hypertension18 (25.4%)21 (41.2%)0.490.22–1.050.065
Peripheral arteriopathy3 (5.9%)NA0.071
Minor stroke (NIHSS 0–3 at admission)39 (54.9%)16 (31.4)2.671.25–5.680.011
Barthel 95–100 at 8 days62 (87.3%)32 (62.7%)4.091.66–10.100.003

Age 60–75 yearsn = 40n = 85
Men26 (65.0%)34 (40.0%)2.791.27–6.100.012
Minor stroke (NIHSS 0–3 at admission)22 (55.0%)30 (35.3%)2.241.04–4.830.037
Glycemia (mmol/L)*6.16 (1.44)7.05 (2.83)0.061
LDL cholesterol (mmol/L)*2.92 (0.72)3.30 (0.93)0.017

Age > 75 yearsn = 21n = 94
Arterial hypertension11 (52.4%)77 (81.9%)0.240.09–0.670.004
Barthel 95–100 at 8 days12 (57.1%)27 (28.7%)3.311.25–8.780.010
Mini mental state25 (6)21 (9)0.079

OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; NA: non assessable. *Results are given as mean (SD). Result is reported as mean (SD) in patients for whom the test was assessable. All other variables did not differ between both groups.