Research Article

Feasibility of a Nurse-Led Weekend Group Exercise Program for People after Stroke

Table 4

Comparison of the amount of exercise repetitions completed in each Weekend Warrior class for mobility level.

MobilityMean (SD)Median (IQR)RangeDifference between program levels

No assistance
186.6 (193.9)150 (299)0 to 1150Compared to physical assistance: 12.4 (95% CI −13.8 to 38.7)
Compared to hoist/wheelchair: 23.6 (95% CI −24.7 to 71.9)
Physical assistance
174.2 (215.9)104 (255)0 to 1175Compared to no assistance: see above
Compared to hoist/wheelchair: 11.1 (95% CI −42.2 to 64.5)
163.0 (234.4)77.5
0 to 1110See above