Research Article

Validity of Multisensor Array for Measuring Energy Expenditure of an Activity Bout in Early Stroke Survivors

Table 2

Energy expenditure of walking and sit-to-stands and agreement between the metabolic cart and .

Outcome energy expenditure (METs)
Activity bout ()Metabolic cartMean difference (SD)ICC (95% CI)CCC () (95% CI)RMA slopeRMA intercept

1st walk
2.72 (0.54)3.65 (0.76)−0.93 (0.66)0.02 (0.0 to 0.54)0.24 (−0.02 to 0.51)1.42−0.21
2nd walk
2.78 (0.52)3.47 (0.49)−0.69 (0.45)0.13 (0.0 to 0.63)0.31 (0.02 to 0.610.940.85
1st sit-to-stands
2.35 (0.95)2.21 (0.94)0.47 (0.79)0.38 (0.0 to 0.88)0.37 (−0.33 to 1.00)1.04−0.57
2nd sit-to-stands
2.49 (1.07)1.83 (1.22)1.08 (0.85)0.25 (0.0 to 0.88)0.34 (−0.19 to 0.86)0.64−0.14

Energy expenditure is reported as mean (SD); ; ICC: intraclass correlation coefficient; CCC: concordance correlation coefficient; RMA: reduced major axis.