Review Article

Immobilisation of Higher Activity Wastes from Nuclear Reactor Production of 99Mo

Table 3

Approximate composition (wt%) and half-lives& of main fission product and actinide oxides in PUREX fuel reprocessing HLW that has been stored for >10 years.

Fission product oxide Basis (wt%)$Half-life of most abundant radioisotope (y)Fission product oxide Basis (wt%)$Half-life of most abundant radioisotope (y)

Cs2O (6)30TcO2 (6)210000
SrO (3)30 *AnO2 (6)>10000
BaO (4)RuO2 (10)
RE2O3 (15)100&PdO (6)
ZrO2 (15)Rh2O3 (2)
MoO3 (15)

Water excluded; An: actinide. $Contains additional stainless steel corrosion products, RE: rare earth.
Group half-lives& are very approximate as they range from short to long times for different components. Absence of half-life value: stable elements.