Review Article

Generator Development: Up-to-Date Recovery Technologies for Increasing the Effectiveness of Utilisation

Figure 3

Radioisotope concentrator ULTRALUTE (patent-pending) and Effectiveness of utilisation: (a) kinetics of radioactive decay/ -activity buildup in the generator eluted with an early elution regime (A: -activity; B: -activity buildup from beginning; C: -activity growth after first elution; D: -activity growth/eluted at 6-hour elutions; E: -SA in the system of -radioactivity buildup from beginning) [58]; (b) effectiveness of “early” elution regime for increasing -elution yield of the generator compared with that normally eluted at the time point of maximal -buildup (square is experimental and dashed line is theoretical calculation result) [58]; (c) ULTRALUTE concentrator device [41, 61]; (d) ULTRALUTE concentrator device inline-coupled with a generator.