Research Article

Probabilistic Dynamics for Integrated Analysis of Accident Sequences considering Uncertain Events

Table 2

Time related variables and parameters.


Time scale variable (equal to 0, when LoCA)s
Time moment, when core dewatering starts; time moment, when core uncover starts; that is, core degradation process starts ( = 4080)s
Time delay between LoCA and core dewatering ( = = 4080)s
Time moment, when clad oxidation starts ( = + = 4125)s
Time delay between core dewatering and clad oxidation, that is, start of hydrogen production ( = 45)s
Time moment, when total core uncover occurs ( = 5875 if > )s
Time moment, when water injection starts ( = )s
Time moment, when water spray starts ( = if > ; = )s
Time moment, when vessel rupture starts ( = if ; = if < ; = + ; = 14220 if = and = ∞)s
Time delay (core dewatering phase) between core dewatering and start of vessel rupture, that is, vessel damages
Time moment, when containment fails ( = ∞ if ; = if <)s

Note. : uniform distribution in interval (, ).