Research Article

Application of Generative Adversarial Nets (GANs) in Active Sound Production System of Electric Automobiles

Table 1

Generator structure of the raw audio GAN model.

LayerTypeLength and width of convolution kernelsNumber of convolution kernels

Input layer
Fully connected layerFully connected layer110016384
ReLUActivation layer
Conv1D (stride = 4)Convolutional layer125512
ReLUActivation layer125
Conv1D (stride = 4)Convolutional layer125256
ReLUActivation layer
Conv1D (stride = 4)Convolutional layer125128
ReLUActivation layer
Conv1D (stride = 4)Convolutional layer12564
ReLUActivation layer
Conv1D (stride = 4)Convolutional layer1251
ReLUActivation layer