Review Article

Microbial Food Safety Assessment of Organic Food and Feed: Notifications in the EU RASFF during 2020–2022. A Systematic Review

Table 2

EU RASFF notifications in organic/bio food products between 2020 and 2022.

Product categoryPathogenOrganic/bio productCountryTypeMeasures (human cases)Risk decisionYear and Ref.

Cereals and bakery productsSalmonella spp.Red berries protein barsCHCAFR, CH3CNSLUndecided2022.2746
Organic tiger nut flour (porridge)DENE>3 countries3BPWSerious2021.1976
Bacillus cereusBarley grass powderDEHU>3 countries4CMRNot serious2021.6580

Cocoa and cocoa preparations, coffee, and teaSalmonella TyphimuriumOrganic linden flower infusionFIBG4CWMNot serious2021.0827

Dietetic foods, food supplements, and fortified foodsSalmonella spp.Moringa powderDELK>3 countries3BDOSerious2022.2231
Supplement ashwagandhaSISI4BWMSerious2021.6277
Shatavari powderDEIN>3 countries3BIRSerious2021.2600

Eggs and eggs productsSalmonella EnteritidisEggsFRITFR1BNM (31)Serious2020.0125

Fish and fish productsL. monocytogenesFrozen smoked salmonCYPLCY4DNMSerious2020.1049
Smoked salmonFRUNFR, SI3BRCSerious2020.1631

Fruits and vegetablesL. monocytogenes beetrootsChilled cookedNLNLBE3BPWSerious2021.2328
Salad leavesBEFRBE, LU3DIASerious2020.2682
Salmonella MikawasimaLittle gem lettuceNOESNO3DRCSerious2020.0765

Herbs and spicesSalmonella spp.Salt and pepper mixDEDECZ3BNMSerious2022.2690
Coriander seedsDEUNDE3BNSLSerious2022.2397
HorsetailDEDE, IT, UA>3 countries3BRC, WMSerious2021.5945

Milk and milk productsL. monocytogenesEmmental cheeseBEDEBE3BIRSerious2022.1939
STECRaw milk goat’s cheeseBEBELU4BPWSerious2020.1072

Meat and meat products (other than poultry)STECBovine meatITESIT4BDSerious2021.2303
Salmonella spp.Chilled pork meatBEBEBE, LU3BPWSerious2021.4316
L. monocytogenesMortadella and cooked jamFRIT3BPWSerious2020.2321
Salmonella spp.Minced pork and bio chipolataBEBEBE, LU3BPWSerious2020.5896

Nuts, nut products, and seedsSalmonella spp.Nettle seedsDEKO>3 countries3BMRSerious2022.0407
Bacillus cereusSesame seeds unhulledDETGNL3BDOSerious2022.0133
Salmonella spp.FlaxseedFRNLFR3DIASerious2022.1580
Salmonella OrionSesame seedsDEUGDE2AODSerious2022.6017
Salmonella spp.Sesame seedsNLUG2AODSerious2021.6740
Salmonella enterica cerroSesame seedsDEETDE2AODSerious2021.5397
Salmonella spp.Sesame seedsDEETDE2APTSerious2020.5495
SIINSI2ANMNot serious2020.3090
STECLeek seeds for sproutingNOCNNO3CDOUndecided2020.0500

Other food products/mixedSalmonella ColomboTiger nut flourDEES>3 countries4BPWSerious2021.5807
Salmonella spp.Bacopa monnieri powderDEINDE3DDOSerious2021.4870
L. monocytogenesReady-to-eat preparationsBEBEFR, NL3BWMSerious2021.2496

Poultry meat and poultry meat productsSalmonella EnteritidisChicken thigh filletsNLITBE, NL, IE3BWRSerious2022.0960
Salmonella TyphimuriumWhole chickenDKFRDK3DNMSerious2020.4674

Prepared dishes and snacksSalmonella spp.Cheese-flavored protein chipsDEDK>3 countries3BDO, RC, IR, PWSerious2022.5519
L. monocytogenesVegan cheese alternativeDEFR>3 countries3BWM, RC, DSerious2022.2311

STEC: Shigatoxin-producing Escherichia coli. AT (Austria); BE (Belgium); BG (Bulgaria); CA (Canada); CH (Switzerland); CN (China); CY (Cyprus); CZ (Czech Republic); DK (Denmark); DE (Germany); ET (Ethiopia); ES (Spain); FI (Finland); FR (France); HU (Hungary); IE (Ireland); IN (India); IT (Italy); KO (Kosovo); LK (Sri Lanka); LU (Luxembourg); NE (Niger); NL (Netherlands); NO (Norway); PL (Poland); SI (Slovenia); TG (Togo); UA (Ukrania); UG (Uganda), UN (Unknown). 1. Food poisoning notification. 2. Food (border control-consignment detained). 3. Company’s own check. 4. Official control on the market. 5. Consumer complaint. A. Border rejection notification. B. Alert notification. C. Information/notification for follow-up. D. Information/notification for attention. D, destruction; DO, detained by operator; IA, informed authorities; IR, informed recipients; MR, monitoring of the recall/withdrawal; OD, official detention; PT, physical/chemical treatment, acid treatment, or heat treatment; PW, public warning; RC, recall from consumer; NM, no measures found for this notification; NSL, no stock left; WM, withdrawal from the market; WR, withdrawal from the recipients.