Research Article

Phylogenetic and Molecular Characteristics of Wild Bird-Origin Avian Influenza Viruses Circulating in Poland in 2018−2022: Reassortment, Multiple Introductions, and Wild Bird–Poultry Epidemiological Links

Table 1

A summary of AIV-positive wild bird samples included in the present study.

Sample sourceCollection periodAIV subtypeHost speciesSample matrixTotal

Active surveillance2018–2021LPAIV H3N8Mallard duckCloacal and/or oropharyngeal swab2
Common teal2
LPAIV H5N2Mallard duck1
LPAIV H9N2Mute swan, mallard duck2
LPAIV H9N7Black-headed gull1
LPAIV H16N3Herring gull1

Passive surveillance2020–2021HPAIV H5N1White storkInternal organs including brain tissue1
HPAIV H5N5Tufted duck1
HPAIV H5N8Tundra bean goose
(Mute) swan
Wild goose buzzard
White stork

Passive surveillance2021–2022LPAIV H2N3SwanInternal organs including brain tissue1
HPAIV H5N1(Mute) swan
Greylag goose
Mallard duck
White-fronted goose
Herring gull
Black-headed gull
Sandwich tern
Common tern
Common murre

An asterisk () indicates coinfection of two different AIV subtypes.