Research Article

Prevalence of Asthma among Norwegian Elite Athletes

Table 2

Prevalence of medically diagnosed asthma, bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR), and allergy defined as one or more positive skin prick tests (SPT) among elite athletes, divided into summer and winter athletes and across sport categories.

Summer (n = 80)Winter (n = 55) valueEndurance (n = 64)Team sport (n = 50)Technical (n = 21) value

Asthma N (%)16 (20)27 (50)<0.00133 (52)3 (6)7 (33)<0.001
#BHR N (%)23 (29)29 (53)0.00534 (53)9 (18)9 (43)0.041
Allergy N (%)27 (35)25 (47)0.16626 (41)16 (33)10 (50)0.403

BHR is defined as PD20met ≤8 μmol. PD20met: provocation dose of methacholine causing 20% reduction in forced expiratory volume in the first second of expiration. #: for doctor-diagnosed asthma, 54 winter athletes and 63 endurance athletes are included; : for allergy assessment, 77 summer athletes, 53 winter athletes, 62 endurance athletes, 48 team sport athletes, and 20 technical sport athletes are included.