Research Article

Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Exercise Adherence Rating Scale (EARS) into Danish

Table 1

Characteristics of a patient with hip dysplasia (n = 24).

CharacteristicsPatients with hip dysplasia

Age, median years (IQR)30 (24–37)
BMI, median years (IQR)24 (21–27)
Females/males, no.22/2
Civil status, no.
 Married, cohabitant, or family status15
 Single or divorced9
Education, no.
 Primary and lower secondary school4
 Upper secondary education6
 Vocational education3
 Higher education (under- or postgraduate)11
Duration of pain, no.
 0–2 years10
 2–5 years7
 >5 years7
Bilateral affection, no.16
CE angle, median degrees (IQR)21 (16–22)
AI angle, median degrees (IQR)12 (10–15)
Tönnis osteoarthritis grade 0/1/2, no.21/2/1
EARS score, median points (IQR)20 (17–23)
Completed exercise sessions, median no. (IQR)73 (62–79)
Baseline HAGOS pain score, median points (IQR)64 (49–75)
Baseline HAGOS sport/recreation score, median points (IQR)53 (28–78)

IQR, interquartile range (25–75 percentile); BMI, body mass index); No., number; CE, center-edge; AI, acetabular index; EARS, Exercise Adherence Rating Scale; HAGOS, Copenhagen hip and groin outcome score.