Research Article

A Brief Overview of Adolescent Developmental Problems in Hong Kong

Table 6

Percentages of responses to the questions in CIA-Goldberg [8].

CriterionQuestion N %

(1)(a) Do you find there is a diminished effect with continued use of the same time spent on the Internet?6,10613.386.7
(b) Do you experience a tolerance in that you have a need for increased amounts of Internet use to achieve the desired effect?6,12121.978.1
(2)Do you access Internet more often or for longer periods of time than you intended?6,10232.267.8
(3)Have you had a persistent desire or made unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control the amount of time spend online?6,08116.483.6
(4)Do you spend a great deal of time in activities related to Internet use (e.g., buying Internet books, trying out new WWW browsers, organizing files of downloaded materials)?6,10226.673.4
(5)Have you given up or reduced any important social, occupational, academic or recreational activities because of the Internet use?6,09918.082.0
(6)Have you continued to use the Internet despite knowledge of having physical, social, occupational, academic or psychological problem (e.g., sleep deprivation, interpersonal conflicts, lateness for work, lateness for school, neglect of student or occupational duties)?6,10218.181.9
(7)(a) Have you made attempts to cut down the excessive amount of time you spent online?5,94242.457.6
(b) Have the following condition been developed within several days to a month after you made attempts to cut down the excessive amount of time you spent online?
(i) I have had psychomotor agitation.5,7516.094.0
(ii) I have felt anxious.5,7513.097.0
(iii) I have had obsessive thinking about what is happening on Internet.5,7519.990.1
(iv) I have had fantasies or dreams about Internet.5,7516.094.0
(v) My fingers have done typing movements voluntarily or involuntarily.5,7512.197.9
(c) Have you used the Internet as a way of relieving or avoiding the above unwell condition?5,7454.895.2
(d) Do you feel that the above conditions cause distress or impairment in your social, occupational or another important area of functioning?5,7184.395.7

Overall “Internet Addicted” Percentage (met 3 or more criteria)6,00022.977.1